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DigiBio Technology Award

September 11, 2019

A new innovative application platform, DigiBio, has been developed by Indiana Biosciences Research Institute (IBRI) in collaboration with MavenSphere, Inc., to facilitate the rapid deployment of tools based on Apple’s ResearchKit, HealthKit, and CareKit software frameworks to capture digital information from individuals or patients.

See Indiana CTSI news release: http://www.indianactsi.org/news_/new-mobile-research-tool-rfa/

DigiBio (www.digibio.io) enables a wealth of data to be captured from patients which has not been available up to this point in time, and brings more objectivity and efficiency to clinical trials, thus accelerating the pace of quality research. The opportunity to remotely and continuously monitor patients provides a more contextually valid picture of patient health, while increasing the number of data points researchers have from which to draw conclusions.

The Indiana CTSI is now offering access to this platform. Applications to this program are limited to a total of $10,000 for customization of the software. Duration of the project may vary, depending on the research needs.

Researchers considering an application for use of this platform should contact Bharath Bynagari of DigiBiom to discuss their project and receive a demonstration of the application platform prior to submission: bynagari@MavenSphere.com or 317-590-8275.

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